Dr. Goldman is a specialist in orthopedic surgery and currently serves as Attending Orthopedic Surgeon at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem.

Dr. Goldman is a specialist in orthopedic surgery. After receiving his MD from the School of Medicine at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, he completed an orthopedic residency program at the Hadassah Medical Center.

He has completed fellowship programs in Pediatric Orthopedics and Limb Lengthening and Deformities Correction at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.  Since 2011, Dr. Goldman has served as an attending orthopedic surgeon at Hadassah Medical Center, specializing in both subspecialties. In 2016, he was appointed head of Limb Lengthening and Deformities Correction at the hospital. In addition to his clinical responsibilities, Dr. Goldman teaches students and residents and is a lecturer at the Hebrew University’s School of Medicine. He is currently conducting research collaborations with Dr. Sharon Eylon at ALYN PARC.